Carrying a baby in a baby carrier requires diligence on the part of the caregiver. Please review the following important safety guidelines:


  1. Make sure the baby is positioned correctly in the baby carrier. Your baby can suffocate if positioned incorrectly. Premature babies or those with respiratory problems or illnesses and baby under 4 months are at greatest risk for suffocation.
  2. Check on your baby often and ensure that baby is breathing at all times. Never allow the baby to be carried in such a way that their chin is curled against their chest. Newborns lack the muscle control to open their airways when placed in this position. The chin should be in a neutral or slightly higher position.
  3. Baby’s face should be visible at all times. Do not allow baby’s face to be pressed tightly against the wearer. Never cover your baby’s head and face with fabric.
  4. All babies MUST be carried in an upright, completely vertical position, facing the wearer (ABSOLUTELY NO CRADLE OR OTHER HORIZONTAL POSITIONS). Ensure proper placement of child in product including leg placement.
  5. Never place more than one baby in the carrier at a time.
  6. Using a baby carrier affects your center of balance and leaning, bending over, or tripping can cause the baby to fall. Keep a hand on your baby while moving and whenever possible bend from your knees. Never use a soft carrier when balance or mobility is impaired because of exercise, drowsiness, or medical conditions.
  7. Do not use the baby carrier while engaging in activities that involve excessive movement such as running or jumping or other activities with similar bouncing and shaking motions. These motions can be damaging to a baby’s developing neck, spine and brain.
  8. Never wear a soft carrier while driving or being a passenger in a motor vehicle. Do not use while riding a bike or engaging in any activities that you could not safely do while pregnant or holding a child.
  9. Inspect the condition of the baby carrier before each use. Do not use a baby carrier unless it is sound. Check for ripped seams, torn straps or fabric, and damaged fasteners before each use.
  10. Check to ensure all buckles, snaps, straps, and adjustments are secure before each use.
  11. Never place loose objects in the carrier with your baby that could be a chocking hazard, obstruct baby’s breathing, or otherwise hurt your baby. Also, be aware of what your baby can reach when in the carrier.
  12. Do not use the baby carrier in any body of water.
  13. Ensure that your baby is protected from the elements. Baby’s head, arms, and legs may need extra protection from the sun. Don’t dress your baby too warmly in the summer and avoid activities in which the baby could overheat. Likewise, be sure your baby does not get too cold in the winter.
  14. Be cautious when consuming hot foods and beverages while the baby is in the carrier as these could burn the baby. Do not use the carrier while cooking and cleaning which involve a heat source, sharp objects or exposure to chemicals.
  15. Always remove your baby before unbuckling the waist belt.


You are responsible for the safety of your baby when he or she is in the baby carrier. Please use common sense and your best judgement to ensure that your baby is safe and secure.